Ashwameda Yajna (অশ্বমেধ যজ্ঞ) is one of the master pieces of vulgarity in Vedic Culture which today's modern Vedic Scholars try to hide giving false translation of Vedic Hymns.
In this Yajna, a horse is being slain and the Queen has to have sexual intercourse with that dead horse. Let me give reference from scriptures.
”...king Janamejaya... observed the horse sacrifice... Devi Vapushtama, **the daughter of the king of Kashi, went and slept with the slain horse,** according to the ritual as prescribed..."
[Harivamsa Purana, Bhavishya Parva 3.5.11-13, tr. A. Purushothaman and A. Harindranath.]
"....the horse: thereon they 'quiet' (slaughter) it. When the victims have been 'quieted,' the (king's) wives come up....
When the foot-water is ready, they cause the Mahishî to lie down near the horse... **'May the vigorous male, the layer of seed, lay seed!'** she says for the completeness of union."
[Satapatha Brahmana 13:5:2:1-2;]
Vedic Scholars mistranslated the word "rathau" as chariots, whereas the word is actually "reto" meaning semen (i.e horse's semen).
In the commentary of Satapatha Brahmana 13:5:2:2, Julius Eggeling correctly put the Sanskrit word "reto":-
386:2 Nirâyatyâsvasya sisnam mahishy upasthe nidhatte 'vrishâ vâgî retodhâ **reto** dadhâtv' iti mithunasyaiva sarvatvâya.
Even the Shukla Or White Yajur Veda, 23:20-31 (talking about sexuality with slain and dead horse) is so vulgar, that even Ralph T.H. Griffith has not translated these verses in his translation of Yajur Veda [see the screenshot or you may visit -]
Such ritual is so vulgar that it compelled Swami Vivekananda to criticise it too.
"And in the Vedic Ashvamedha sacrifice worse things would be done.... All the Brâhmanas mention them, and all the commentators admit them to be true. How can you deny them?"
[Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda/Volume 6/Epistles - Second Series/LXXI Rakhal/source -]
[Special thanks to brother Mainuddin Ahmad for providing some important reference] . মানহাজ অর্থ পথ (path) অথবা পদ্ধতিগত বা নিয়মগত বা প্রণালিগত বিদ্যা (Methodology)। মানহাজ বললে তাই তাকে দুই ভাবে ভাবা হয় - ১) সহিহ মানহাজ, ২) ভ্রান্ত বা বাতিল মানহাজ। . সহিহ মানহা...
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