The Hindu people claim Hinduism as "Sanatan Dharma" which means a faith and way of life which is everlasting. From our Islamic point of view, we consider it as a way of misguidance and to guide the people from misguidance to the right way, Allah the Almighty has sent different messengers from the beginning of the Creation. For this reason, Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) is not the founder of any new religion like "Muhammedanism", but he is the last messenger of the same faith which is "submission of our will to the One True Creator" and in Arabic it can be translated as "Islam". So, if Hinduism or Sanatan Dharma is the oldest faith, then from our point of view, Islam is the correction of such corrupted way of life. For this reason, there are many points can be analysed to show Islam clearly before the Hindu people. But for the easy understanding of truth, we are only trying to say about a few points below. => Who is the Ultimate Creator in Hindu...