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Why Hinduism is a 'Misguidance' to us???

The Hindu people claim Hinduism as "Sanatan Dharma" which means a faith and way of life which is everlasting. From our Islamic point of view, we consider it as a way of misguidance and to guide the people from misguidance to the right way, Allah the Almighty has sent different messengers from the beginning of the Creation. For this reason, Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) is not the founder of any new religion like "Muhammedanism", but he is the last messenger of the same faith which is "submission of our will to the One True Creator" and in Arabic it can be translated as "Islam".

So, if Hinduism or Sanatan Dharma is the oldest faith, then from our point of view, Islam is the correction of such corrupted way of life.

For this reason, there are many points can be analysed to show Islam clearly before the Hindu people. But for the easy understanding of truth, we are only trying to say about a few points below.

=> Who is the Ultimate Creator in Hinduism???

Swami Vivekananda did not believe in the Concept of any ultimate Creator. Why he would believe? Hinduism has no such concept of any "Ultimate One True Creator".

Let's have a look of what Vivekananda says,

"....if they are all created, why does a just and merciful God create one happy and another unhappy, why is He so partial? Nor would it mend matters in the least to hold that those who are miserable in this life will be happy in a future one. Why should a man be miserable even here in the reign of a just and merciful God?
In the second place, ***the idea of a creator God does not explain the anomaly***, but simply expresses the cruel fiat of an all-powerful being...."

[Complete Works of Vivekananda/Volume 1/Addresses at The Parliament of Religions/Paper on Hinduism]

We are giving a little bit more why there is no Ultimate Creator in Hinduism.

According to vedic religion or Hinduism, GOD is considered as “Param Atma”(The Supreme Soul) who created everything from His own portion.

“He(the divine Self-existence or God), desiring to produce beings of many kinds from his own body….”
(Manusmriti, 01:08)

“The Supreme Person(God) in whom all beings abide and by whom all this is pervaded….”
(Bhagabat Gita, 8:22)

“And when you have thus learned the truth, you will know that all living beings are but part of Me-and that they are in Me, and are Mine.”
(Bhagabat Gita, 4:35)

So, the universe is actually a transformation of the portion of Param Atma.

According to physics, the whole amount of matter and energy is fixed. It can not be created or destroyed, just can be transformed from one to another.

Now if a chair is made of wood of a tree, then the chair is actually a transformation of the wood of the tree, it is not actually a new creation in the universe. Here wood is raw material and chair is a new product, but both the elements or the matter of chair or wood is fixed. So making chair is not actually a new creation.

Similarly, if Purusa or Param Atma makes the universe by transforming His own portion, then it will also not be considered a new creation. Here like the wood of the chair, we can also consider the "Purusa" or "Param Atma" just as raw material, not any Creator.

So it is very clear that Hinduism fails to say about the ultimate Creator.Though one may call God as "Siva", " Krishna", "Bhagwan", " Param Atma" etc, from Islamic point of view, there is no description of Actual Creator in Hinduism.

"Yet the unbelievers have taken besides Him(Allah) other gods which can create nothing but are themselves created, which can neither harm nor help even themselves, and which have no power over life or death, or raising the dead to life."

[The Noble Quran, 25:03]

=> Quran is responding to Vedic Philosophy....

Vedic Philosophy presents that we wrongly consider this creation as true whereas such thinking is our illusion. The universe is nothing but the portion of GOD and so we are not seperate with the Supreme Power. But because of our ignorance, we can not understand that we are the eternal souls, not the damagable bodies and all the eternal existence inside us are really 'One' because all are the same manifestation of One God. Therefore, one needs to do struggle in the path of discovering his own true nature by proper ways of meditation. This is the way of "Moksha" which is very close to Buddhism's "Nirvana" concept and the concept of Sufism. From here, Vedic philosophy is concluding that all the groups are enlightened by the light of Vedic knowledge and are actually searching for the ultimate reality. Therefore, the sinners are not actually sinners, but they are ignorant not knowing their true nature. Hence from it, Vedic concept is tolerating monotheism, pantheism, panenteism, trinity, atheism, agnosticism and so on. Vivekananda in his Chicago speech concluded all these things by one quotation,

"We believe not only in universal toleration, but we accept all religions as true.......I will quote to you, brethren, a few lines from a hymn which I remember to have repeated from my earliest boyhood, which is every day repeated by millions of human beings:
“As the different streams having their sources in different places all mingle their water in the sea, so, O Lord, the different paths which men take through different tendencies, various though they appear, crooked or straight, all lead to Thee.""

[Complete Works of Vivekananda/Volume 1/Addresses at The Parliament of Religions/RESPONSE TO WELCOME]


Quran is responding the Vedic philosophy very clearly.

=>Nothing is the portion or manifestation of God but God creates from nothing.
Because Allah does not tranform His portion to make the Creation, Allah creates absolutely new from nothing.

“…when He(Allah, the Almighty) determines a matter, He only says to it, “Be”, and it is”
(Al-Quran, 19:35)

“He(Allah) to whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth: no son has He begotten, nor has He a partner in His dominion: it is He who created all things, and ordered them in due proportions.

Yet have they taken, besides him, gods that can create nothing but are themselves created; that have no control of hurt or good to themselves; nor can they control death nor life nor resurrection.”
(Al-Quran, 25:02-03)

=>Quran declares that it is GOD Almighty(Allah) Who is not comparable with anything in the universe.

“And there is none comparable unto Him”

(Al-Quran, 112:04)

So once you say that this world we see is actually an illusion as it is part or manifestation of God, then Quran is telling you that it is a lie as Allah the Almighty does not manifest or make anything from His own body.

=>When you say that our inside existence is eternal and so you are not the body but soul which is not seperate with the Supreme Power, then Quran is saying that only Allah is eternal and He is not any soul or Supreme soul, rather He is the ultimate Creator of all souls and everything.

"All that exists on the earth will perish, But the Face of your Rabb(Sustainer- Allah Almighty) will remain full of Majesty and Glory."

(Al-Quran, 55:26-27)

=>Therefore, Quran is saying such type of concept as a way of falsehood and insult to Almighty Allah.

"He(Allah) knows what is hidden and what is open: too high is He for the partners they attribute to Him!"
(Al-Quran, 23:92)

“If there were, in the heavens and the earth, other gods besides Allah, there would have been confusion in both! but glory to Allah, the Lord of the Throne: [High is He] above what they attribute to Him”
(Al-Quran, 21:22)

=>So, Quran is declaring that such concepts which are claimed to be from God are corrupted and therefore should be rejected.

"So woe to those who write the "scripture" with their own hands, then say, "This is from Allah ," in order to exchange it for a small price. Woe to them for what their hands have written and woe to them for what they earn."

(Al-Quran, 2:79)

=>From here, Quran from its very strong statement is replying that Islamic monotheism which is free from all kinds of comparison of the Creator with the creation is the only acceptable way to Almighty and therefore other corrupted concepts are the ways of confusion and misguidance.

"Indeed, the religion in the sight of Allah is Islam(submission to His will). And those who were given the Scripture did not differ except after knowledge had come to them - out of jealous animosity between themselves. And whoever disbelieves in the verses of Allah , then indeed, Allah is swift in [taking] account."

(Al-Quran, 3:19)


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