- by Ahmad Ali (A reverted Muslim from Hinduism) [Note: When we are uttering the phrase "Indian Philosophy", we are not insulting India, rather we are just pointing to the place where the Vedic thought or Vedic Philosophy was invented and influenced mainly. This philosophy can not be expressed perfectly by the word "Hinduism" (as the word "Hindu" is given by the non-indian people) which is not present in Hindu scriptures. Besides, in Hindu thought, there are different sects who are defined by different ways. There are Mayavadi, Vaishnava, Shiva devotee, Arya Samajis and so on. Their main Gods are different and demigods are also defined differently. Moreover, there are some atheistic groups like the followers of Samkhya philosophy, Mimangsha Sashtra, teaching of Buddha and so on. Among them, some reject the divinity of vedas, some reject the existence of the Maker of the universe, some become silent about the existence of God etc. So here, there are c...