If you want to point your finger to any prostitution, then hold on! . First tell me, what people get from a prostitute? It is enjoyment or amusement of lust. Right? . Now, you are walking on a road and the persons of opposite sex are showing their beauty and bodily structure to public! . You are going to school, college, office, ceremony, party and so on where opposite genders are presenting their attractive expression to you! . You are seeing television, newspaper, magazine and so on where different men and women are coming to show their half or almost full naked beauty for advertisement and popularity! . So, do all these not the source of lustful enjoyment too? . Then who are the real prostitutes? . Think deeply! . An illiterate prostitute is bound to remain in the limited area of a prostitution to present the beauty and body to public. . But many people are presenting their beauty and body to the vast area of tv, facebook and other places of online in the world; a...