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1. Comparison to examination:

According to Islam, this life is a test for hereafter. Quran clearly says,

“[He] who created death and life to test you [as to] which of you is best in deed – and He is the Exalted in Might, the Forgiving”

[Al-Quran, 67:02]

Now suppose, there is an exam and the perfect time to fulfill the course of study for that exam is one year. The authority measures that one year as sufficient for the students. Now if the authority gives more extra time like two or three years to complete the study course,then it is normal that many students will start neglecting studies thinking that they have more time in future to fulfill their lessons.

Similarly, Almighty Allah knows the perfect time of our life. So He gives us the sufficient time and according to that he has set duties for each of us and this sufficient time is one time worldly life.

“Allah does not charge a soul except [with that within] its capacity. It will have [the consequence of] what [good] it has gained, and it will bear [the consequence of] what [evil] it has earned…”

[Al-Quran, 2:286]

As students negelected studies for the excuse that they have more time in future, human being will also neglect God’s commandments if they are given more extra opportunities to come on earth for several times and purify the soul because then human being will get the excuse that they have more time in future to purify the soul and so it will not then very necessary to obey all the commandments of God.

Almighty Allah knows our psychology very well.For this He has set only one time birth and death on earth so that we may think about it and concentrate on our Creator’s commandments.

If anyone wants to do well in the examination, he has to study and struggle hard, without such struggle, one can not get a good result. Similarly, if any person wants to pass in the test of hereafter, he has also to do struggle and sacrifice his life in fulfilling the commandments of Almighty God. For this reason, this life is tough for the believers as there is perfect only one worldly life to complete the commandments of the Supreme Lord.

“Do the people think that they will be left to say, “We believe” and they will not be tried? But We have certainly tried those before them, and Allah will surely make evident those who are truthful, and He will surely make evident the liars.”

[Al-Quran, 29:02-03]

2. Why the unbelievers will be in hell-fire forever?:

According to Islam, any person from any family, if he completely rejects faith and dies in such condition, he will be thrown in the hell-fire. But if he has at least the slightest amount of faith in mind, he will be given paradise after consuming punishment in hell (for his sin). So the main thing is the true faith or iman. If anyone does not have iman at all, then he has not got any ability to go to jannah or paradise. Note that islam says, Almighty God at the beginning of the Creation has given us the option to choose and we have chosen our human life willingly.
GOD says in the Quran,

"We did indeed offer the Trust to the Heavens and the Earth and the Mountains; but they refused to undertake it, being afraid thereof: but man undertook it;- He was indeed unjust and foolish;- "

(Al-Quran, 33:72)

We have free will, so now either we can obey or disobey God and so according to that we will be responsible for our sin. We did not remember that we have been asked because it is a test for us. As a student in the exam can not check the text book during the exam time and can check after examination is over, we can not also check in our memory that we have been asked to choose our human life as this life is a test for hereafter and so we can check it in the hereafter when the exam of this worldly life will be over. For this, God has given many signs and warning about this ultimate reality in His last Scripture Quran for the humanity. Now if anyone rejects the truth completely, he will be responsible for his own fault and so he will be given bad outcome in hereafter.

Now if anyone says ‘then why God does not allow to come on earth again so that one can get more chances to purify himself?’, then GOD replies in the Quran,

“If you could but see when they are made to stand before the Fire and will say, “Oh, would that we could be returned [to life on earth] and not deny the signs of our Lord and be among the believers.”

But what they concealed before has [now] appeared to them. And even if they were returned, they would return to that which they were forbidden; and indeed, they are liars.”

[Al-Quran, 6:27:28]

So, the main reason is that if God resends the unbelievers again on earth, God will again test them by washing from their memory about the moment when they were asked in the hereafter by God about human life. Because if they remember all things, then all will be believers and there will be no test as this life is a test for hereafter.

“[He] who created death and life to test you [as to] which of you is best in deed..”

[Al-Quran, 67:02]

Now however the condition may be on earth for those persons, as their nature will be the same nature of previous birth, they will again reject faith like the way they rejected faith in their first time birth on earth. So, if God again gives the unbelievers the chances to purify themselves by re-sending them on earth again and again, they will not obey Creator’s commandments in the future lives also and make themselves sinners for their same nature of rejection of faith. And thats why God knows about our nature very well and so this one time birth on earth is enough to judge ourselves by God. For this if we completely reject faith and die in that condition, it can not be forgivable and that’s why hell will be the permanent place for those who will reject faith completely. (Note that Islam does not consider that God is supreme soul and we are the parts of God, but God is not a soul, He is the Creator of all souls and everything, so the theory of “karma” and “mokhsha” is not true in islam)

3. Is one time worldly life a result of torture in hell-fire to the innocent?:

Islam never says that any innocent human being will be tortured in hell-fire. Majority of those who will be tortured are really ‘Kafir’ and ‘Mushrik’. But what actually this ‘kafir’ means? ‘Kafir’ means ‘the one who has rejected faith’. If any person rejects faith(he may be from any family, muslim or non-muslim) he will be considered as ‘Kafir’. Again ‘Mushrik’ means who associates partner with Almighty God. According to Islam, “Shirk” or associating partner with Almighty God is the highest sin and who does this sin and does not ask forgiveness before death,will not be forgiven in the hereafter. But why? Because “shirk” actually destroys our whole islamic belief. When a person is allowed to associate anything with Almighty God, he can then make his own ideas of worship and day by day,if it is allowed,it will become a great misguidance among muslim ummah. As islam does not say that the Creator has created from His own portion,rather the Creator has created from nothing and just by His order, so the creation is not the portion or manifestation of God,but the Creation is just the result of His commandments.

“…when He determines a matter, He only says to it, “Be”, and it is”

[Al-Quran, 19:35]

So the Creator in Islam can not be compared by any worldly object or symbol and all Islamic theology is based on this concept,so when one is given permission to make such worship by any symbol or idol(kabba is not a symbol of God,it is “kibla” or “direction” which makes a unity among muslims during prayer),then it will be a comparison with Creator which is a false concept according to islam and an insult to Allah Almighty. Like if your father is good and if it is given false allegation that your father is a theif,it is surely an insult and therefore a wrong-doing. Similarly, when one compares Allah with anything and like this way, he is starting a method of worship by any symbol or worldly form, surely he is insulting Almighty Creator according to islam because Allah does not create anything from His own portion and so He is not comparable with anything and therefore such kind of worship by forms can lead a believer to falsehood and so the main base of Islamic faith will be broken. Then it will make a path to corrupt the islamic faith from its root which can be ended into full destruction of Islam. So it is neccesary to stop such misguidance and so this kind of work which is defined as “shirk” is complelely forbidden in islam and is considered as the highest sin.

Now if anyone does not believe in such kind of theology about which what islam says,it is not the case for frightening for that person about the hell-fire also as this concept is then valueless to him.

4. Proper justice in the hereafter:

Islam says about the judgement of our complete works on earth in hereafter so that good and bad things are judged properly. For example, if any person rapes a woman and God allows him in paradise when he doesn’t ask forgiveness to God at all,then surely God will be unjust. So to be just, Almighty God has set the proper outcome for the disbeleivers. If they reject faith and want worldly desire, God will then fulfill their desire of the world and set punishment for them. But if anyone keeps faith on Allah and asks refuge and forgiveness from the punishment for his sin, then Almighty may help him to make his path easy for paradise.

“Indeed, Allah does not do injustice, [even] as much as an atom’s weight; while if there is a good deed, He multiplies it and gives from Himself a great reward.”

[Al-Quran, 4:40]

“Know that the life of this world is but amusement and diversion and adornment and boasting to one another and competition in increase of wealth and children – like the example of a rain whose [resulting] plant growth pleases the tillers; then it dries and you see it turned yellow; then it becomes [scattered] debris. And in the Hereafter is severe punishment and forgiveness from Allah and approval. And what is the worldly life except the enjoyment of delusion.”

[Al-Quran, 57:20]

5. Is one time worldly life an outcome of lust for the believers?:

Previously,it has been said that this life is a test for hereafter according to islam. So it is illogical if we say that there is test but there will be no result of it. So logically, there should be an outcome in hereafter for the worldly works. So again logically, if one does good works,he gets good outcome and if one does bad,he gets bad outcome in hereafter.

When a believer may get good outcome in hereafter,that means he may get paradise. And this paradise is full of complete happiness.

We human being have some needs which is natural and as islam is the most natural religion, believers will not be deprived of Allah’s blessings, so they will get the opportunity to fulfill their all needs like good food, gorgeous dress, best and religious spouses as heart content etc. Besides in paradise the believers will always be in the worship and praising of Almighty God. So it is not worth to say,paradise is only for lust as then it will not fully be perfect.

“[To the righteous it will be said], “O reassured soul, Return to your Lord, well-pleased and pleasing [to Him], And enter among My [righteous] servants And enter My Paradise.”

[Al-Quran, 89:27-30]

Hindu fanatics try to make mockery of Muslims on this issue but have they ever read what their scripture say about it!!

For people in heaven, Ishwar has arranged hundreds and thousands of Apsaras or ‘Harlot’ as per the term used by Hindus on this issue.

Parashara Smriti 3.28-29,

"Celestial damsels seize for themselves, and take delight with the hero, whose body is wounded or cut by arrows, clubs, or maces. Thousands of celestial damsels, rush forward in a hurry towards a hero killed in battle, each proclaiming, ‘He is my lord, he is mine’."

Parashara Smriti 3.31,

"If victorious, wealth is won; if death results, beautiful women fall to his share; since this corporeal frame is liable to perish in an instant’s time, why should we be shy of meeting death on a field of battle?"

Mahabharata 12.98,

"Foremost of Apsaras, numbering by thousands, go out with great speed (for receiving the spirit of the slain hero) coveting him for their lord.” Tr. K.M. Ganguli

Devi Bhagavatam 3.15.10-13,

"Some warriors on being slain in the battle instantly arose in a celestial car to the heavens and was seen addressing the celestial nymph, who came already within his embrace, thus “O one of beautiful thighs. Behold! how my beautiful body is lying on the earth below!” Another warrrior thus slain got up in the heavens on a celestial car, came in possession of a celestial nymph and when he was sitting with her in the car, his former wife in the earth made herself a sati and burnt herself up in the funeral pyre, thus got a celestial body, came up to the heavens; and that chaste virtuous woman drew away perforce her own husband away from that celestial nymph. Two warriors, went up, slew each other and lay down dead at the same time. They went up in the heavens at the same time and there began quarrel with each other and fight with their weapons for one and the same celestial nymph. Some hero got in the heavens a nymph more lovely and beautiful than himself and he thus became very much attached and devoted her. He began to describe his own heroic qualities and also to copy dotedly the qualities of his lover so that she might remain faithfully attached to him.” Tr. Swami Vijnananda

Mahabharata 13.79,

"That man who habitually makes gifts of kine comes to be regarded as the foremost of his species. When thus proceeding to Heaven, he is received by a thousand celestial damsels of beautiful hips and adorned with handsome robes and ornaments. These girls wait upon him there and minister to his delight. He sleeps there in peace and is awakened by the musical laughter of those gazelle-eyed damsels, the sweet notes of their Vinas, the soft strains of their Vallakis, and the melodious tinkle of their Nupuras. ” Tr. K.M. Ganguli

Mahabharata 3.42,

"…It is through thy grace, O mountain, that Brahmanas and Kshatriyas and Vaisyas attain heaven, and their anxieties gone, sport with the celestials…” ” Tr. K.M. Ganguli

Mahabharata 13.106,

""…That man who, unafflicted by disease and free from every malady, observes a fast, verily acquires, at every step the merits that attach to Sacrifices. Such a man ascends to Heaven on a car drawn by swans. Endued with puissance, he enjoys every kind of happiness in heaven for a hundred years. A hundred Apsaras of the most beautiful features wait upon and sport with him…” Tr. K.M. Ganguli

Padma Purana VII.9.99b-104,

"I shall tell you about the abode of him whose dead body is seen on the sandy bank of Ganga heated by the rays of the sun: with his entire body smeared with divine fragrant substances and sandal he always sports with divine damsels in heaven.” Tr. N.A. Deshpande

=>Who are the Apsaras (Nymphs/Heavenly Virgins)?

Devi Bhagavatam 9.1.96-143,

"…those that are sprung from Tamo Guna are recognised as worst and belonging to the unknown families. They are very scurrilous, cheats, ruining their families, fond of their own free ways, quarrelsome and no seconds are found equal to them. Such women become prostitutes in this world and Apsaras in the Heavens…” Tr. Swami Vijnananda

In other words Ishwar provides the Dvijas (Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaisyas) with numerous prostitutes in heaven. Especially for those who are slain in the battlefield. After reading these verses will Hindu fanatics post these verses on their Facebook wall?

6. Does one time worldly life with the thinking of hereafter snatch the love of God from a person’s mind?:

Some people think that if we think about the punishment of hell,we will start to fear and if we think about the amusement of paradise,we will be lustful. So then it is not possible to love God when our mind is filled with fear and desire.

Let me again remind that islam is the most natural religion. It does not force a person to go away from natuaral wants and again it prohibits to do such deeds which are not natually good for us.

Almighty Allah knows our psychology very well. So He has set punishment for our wrong-doing. When we think about it,we will become afraid and go away from evil deeds.Again when we think about the prizes for the good works of our worldly life in hereafter,we will start to do good works abstaining from bad actions.

But it is not an obstacle in the path of loving God,rather it helps to love God more and be closer to Him. Because when a person’s mind can not concentrate on God, he can only think about the outcome of his deeds in hereafter. And so gradually he may start to do good works going away from evil deeds. When this process continues, then that person’s mind gradually gets involved in the thinking of God in every action and thus the complexities and the wish of the result of hereafter will not be his main issue,but his main motto will be to get the satisfaction of God through works. The person then starts to love God as well as go away from bad works for the outcome of hereafter. So islam shows the best way of gradual development.

“Say, [O Muhammad], “If you should love Allah , then follow me, [so] Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.””

[Al-Quran, 3:31]

May Allah forgive our mistakes and guide all to the path of truth. Ameen.


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